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Showing posts from May, 2010

Malaysia Best Rates 2010 May 26 update

1 month Fix Deposit Generally now banks are offering 2.50%. Affin bank offers highest rate at 2.55%. However, there are still a few banks offer lower rate than 2.5%. JP Morgan is still offering the lowest at 2.0% 1 year Fix Deposit Highest offered rates is 3.05% by Affin Bank; followed by 3.0% from AmBank, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ and RHB Bank. Base Lending Rate Most local banks stand at 6.05% now with JP Morgan offers the lowest at 5.65%. Saving Accounts Bank Islam offers 1.35% through its Mudharabah and Pewani ( for women above 18 years old ). Women can enjoy up to 1.58% in Pewani saving account if saving is more than RM 5,000. CIMB's Air Asia Savers Account offers 1.2%. Don't forget you can get a simple widget like above to show on your blog / web site. Just visit here to see how. Car Loan : NEW Car Maybank continues to offer the lowest car loan rate starting from 2.7%. However, this is NOT a standard rate apply to all applicants. The actual rate can range up to 4.3

Individual Tax exemption in Malaysia

Below shows an extraction from Malaysia Income Tax department. Some of the highlights are; maternity expenses, traditional medicines exemption are UNLIMITED ! if you were terminated with compensation, some are exempted ! Scholarship is exempted, so study Hard ! Income derived and remitted from oversea is exempted, so globalize your business ! Do take time and go through below details, I am sure it will spark some innovative ideas if you are in the midst of optimizing your tax plans. source Leave passage Leave passage within Malaysia not exceeding three times in a year and one leave passage outside Malaysia not exceeding RM3000. Medical and dental benefit With effect from the year of assessment 2008, medical benefits exempted from tax is expanded to include maternity expenses and traditional medicine like ayurvedic and acupuncture without limit. Retirement gratuity The full amount of gratuity received by an employee on retirement from employment is exempt if: i. The Director General

When to go beyond "Salary" ?

When your personal income increases, you start to pay more taxes too. It was mentioned before there are certain income Stepping that one should watch out for to optimize tax planning . For example, as your total annual income is approaching MYR 100,000 in Malaysia, you are most likely to be paying maximum taxes like a company's ie. 27%. So you pay about MYR 15,000 taxes so your net income become MYR 85,000 ( exclude other deductions for the purpose of this article ). Then you will proceed paying your due diligences like house loan, car loan and all your other expenses etc. Lets say those total up to MYR 73,000 so you would have a remaining income of MYR 12,000; Or MYR 1,000 a month. As mentioned before, if the taxation laid upon a business is similar ie. 27%, then perhaps you can create a business of your own. Then sell yourself back to your current employer doing exactly the same stuff so that it has no impact what so ever to your employer's operation (*1). As a busines