From time to time, we may heard news that more and more people are unable to pay their credit card debts. As a result, credit card companies must be earning a lot of money in return. On the contrary, credit card companies have been facing quite some challenges. More and more people are settling their due payment in full monthly. This results the card company unable to earn money from this group of people. Some users even maximize the interest free period to 2 months and pay nothing to enjoy such great facility. Due to the stiff competition among the card issuers, every time an annual fee is charged, the card users will simply stop the account. When late fee and interests are charged, more and more users know how to get them waived. Generally people are getting better in managing their credit card usages. More and more people are more personal finance savvy now. Credit card used to be able to get their profit back from the people who owe them money. But now they can keep charging